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    The SI cycle is a pure thermochemical water splitting process consisting of three steps. It has been proposed as a way to supply hydrogen for a hydrogen-based economy. 5G roll out: Challenges: roll out will be selected areas where demand will justify the capital expenditure. Compared to 2G,3G,4G, sufficient preparatory work has not been undertaken for launching of 5G services. In the coming 5-6 years, 5G will have been rolled out to cover 20 per cent of the world population, which is most likely to exclude a major portion of India. India is going to miss on 5G opportunities, unless time-bound action is taken in core areas where Governmental intervention…

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    International Relations

    India-Sri Lanka SL cancels ECT deal which it had signed with India and Japan. Sri Lanka cleared a Chinese energy project in three islands that are barely 50 km from the Tamil Nadu coast. India- Bangladesh India-Pakistan FATF grey list CPEC-3000km long planned network of roads, railways and energy projects. India-Myanmar Military coup in Myanmar India-Maledives India-Ukraine US and UNHRC Israel-Palestine Indo-Pacific region: SIDS WTO India-UN US-Iran

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  • Environment,  Uncategorized


    Species in news Giant Leatherback turtle-Vulnerable-WPAS1-largest of all living turtles and is the fourth-heaviest modern reptile behind three crocodilians, found in all tropical and subtropical oceans, and its range extends well into the Arctic Circle, found in Nicobar Islands Mandarin duck-Least Concern-rarely visits India, most beautiful duck, temperate forests near wetlands, native to east Asia. Blue earthworms-mass migration in Meghalaya because of stone quarry and heavy earth-cutting for road connectivity and village expansion. Caracal(wild cat)-Critically endangered (included)-native to Africa,Middle East, Central Asia and India. Three-banded Rosefinch-LC-resident of Southern China, spotted in Arunachal between 2100-3050m. Sturgeon- endangered- group of 27 species of fish, indicator of health of river. pterosaur fossil-160 million years…

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